Sunday, November 23, 2008

Non-Thankful things (STOP THE MUSHINESS!) - Day 22

I like to be a little different and sometimes think out of the box.

I've been reading other blogs (a.k.a. stalking) and as this time of year nears the last Thursday of November (Thanksgiving), I see how many people are thankful for this or for that. I'm not discounting those things, but I find that I'm un-thankful for things too. Things that disrupt and sometimes ruin the lives of others in my family, friends, and people I come in contact with during the course of the day, week, month or year.

And I know there will be those good types who say "Yes but if it weren't for the un-thankful things, you wouldn't be thankful for the thankful things."

Yeah yeah. I know that already. I've been to church. I've read "Chicken Soup for the Soul" too.

But regardless, I'm going to list the things I'm un-thankful for, just to be ..... me. Devil's Advocate if you will. Behold:

I'm not Thankful for:

1. Alzheimer's Disease - it rapes the mind and takes from us our precious aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents and robs them of their memories.

2. Cancer - it attacks without prejudice: young, old, male, female. It doesn't care. Not only does it create pain in both the patient and the family, it also creates financial damage due to our outrageous health care system.

3. This economy - I watch (now that I'm working in the office) countless people coming in, through NO fault of their own (despite what others think) are losing their homes and vehicles. It could be because of an emergency medical problem (see above) or a lost job or higher taxes that they have no control over whatsoever. Young families, retired couples - these people have NOT been living beyond their means; they've just been trying to live day to day, take care of their kids and do what everyone else wants to do; be happy.

4. Religion - I realize that this may raise some hackles but the reason I say this is because religion has caused some of the most devastating attacks ever known. People will do anything if it means doing in the name of their G-d or whoever their higher power may be. I didn't say that I'm not thankful for G-d; I just don't like what humans have done to this name. Religion does not come from G-d; it's man-made and man makes mistakes.

5. Poaching - killing animals that are becoming more and more difficult to find on our earth is unbelievable to me. I know that in some countries, poaching is the only way to survive but then there needs to be some way to stop this and find another way to produce money and food.

6. Pollution/Global Warming - regardless of what "I can See Russia from my house" says, there is absolute evidence that humans are the main cause of Global Warming and it's time we took care of this Earth. It is not man's Divine Right to destroy this place.

7. Alcohol/Drugs - it makes people do very stupid things like .... forget that they have responsibilities to kids and other family members; steal from their families and friends for their love of the stuff; think that they are invincible and they'll never get caught; drive when they shouldn't.

8. Fires, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, etc. - obviously because people lose their homes, their belongings, their lives.

I have more which I will add to before the fated day of Thanksgiving.

And I'm late and the 21st day ended yesterday. I know, I know.

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