Friday, November 21, 2008

I think my kids should not go onto the dance floor - Day 21

Okay. First of all, I adore my kids. I really do. I may be a bit gruff with them (I think that's the impression from most people) but I always tell them that my bark is worse than my bite.

However, as much as I love them and as perfect as I think that they are and I think that everything they do is absolutely out-of-this-world wonderful ..................... this may not be one of them:

Seriously, I am so thankful for video that I'm able to catch these precious moments. :)

And thus ends the 21st day.

1 comment:

Nanci said...

Gruff. That's the idea I think people have about me and Kennedy. Hahaha! It's cool. The kids I think are just used to it, cause they don't seem to notice.

And you're kids have NEVER been good dancers. =] LOVE this video.