A Night at Starbucks - Day 20
Our favorite thing to do after Tae Kwon Do class is to go to Starbucks. We've been doing this for about a year (I do believe we personally pay for the salaries of the workers at this particular Starbucks) and it's become a ritual for us. The workers all know us and know exactly what we order, since it never changes: two Venti Green Tea Lattes, one soy (Thomas) one non-fat (me), no melon but substitute with one (only one) pump of raspberry syrup at 120 degrees. The kids get Tall Hot chocolates, kid-temperature and a cookie.Last night, Thomas got caught with too many clients and wasn't able to join us for class or Starbucks { :-( so we hung out and took pictures of each other.
Robee lost his other lateral incisor and now he looks like a rabid rabbit. And acts like one at times.
Felix (as well as Robee) has the stinkiest feet this side of the Cascades. Here is Felix trying to burn off her mother's nose with the scent.
Robee and his mom.
Felix and her mom (funny; looks like the same mom)
Robee after too much sugar.
The three of us. Time to go home and get ready for bed and start the next day.
And thus ends the 20th day.
Gosh. Robbee looks EXACTLY like Thomas' baby pictures. It's crazy. So handsome!
I totally love rabbit teeth. =] Kids are awesome.
That little girl is the cutest and most adorable.
Don't worry about the stinky my cheesy feet. Little girls tend to have way stinker feet than boys.;-)
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