Look, I rarely get a chance to sit at a computer for longer than five minutes .... if that. Seriously. Even when I'm watching Owen. If he naps, I'm doing other stuff like putting my Halloween stuff away (finally!) or other equally important things.
So I missed YESTERDAY again. Sue me. I'm doing my Sam Hill best here, ya know. Thank goodness I'm not being graded on this .......... hey. That would have been a great English assignment. Hmmm.
Okay. Day 10, Monday.
This was the annual President's Elementary School Veteran's Day Assembly that they've been doing for 20 years. Same songs, same script, same pictures. I still have to see Dubya one more year, but next year, he'll be GONE from the scene.
The really great thing is that the kids can send in pics of their relatives for the slide show about the different service areas (Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force). Of course, I put Daddy in it and his picture is always first because they always do Air Force first and his last name is Barker.
I was always first in the rolls at school too. I forgot about that. :)
Anyway, it was nice to see his old picture from Vietnam days. He was so young. I remember when he came home from his first tour; he had grown a mustache which had never happened before. I was so afraid of him at first! I didn't even recognize him. But then little by little, he won me over. I wish I could find the picture of me touching - albeit very gingerly - his mustache after he arrived home.
The presentation made me cry a little because I do miss my parents at times; especially my dad.
This is a photo of my dad when he was in Vietnam, circa 1968, first tour of duty in front of his F-111 fighter jet.
Day 11, Tuesday.
Happy Veteran's Day to Keith Barker, my dad! 21 years as a Major in the Air Force.
School's out for Veteran's Day for most of the school districts so we're going rollerskating. Robee is enjoying it more and more each time we go, which makes me thrilled. Maybe I'll skate this time too. I usually bring a book (since I also don't get a minute to sit and read either) and catch up on reading. I'm starting Inkspell now!
So I posted for today. Good. I know this posting everyday thing is supposed to help you be more creative and help you keep a journal like thing, but if you never have time to get on the computer, it becomes more of a burden. However, I'm determined to see this thing through.
And thus ends the 11th day .... thankfully.
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