Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am just going to GIVE UP!!!! Day 17 (a day late) - Grrrrr

I'm doing my best. I really am.

Day 17 - Monday.
Typical Monday. I watch Owen and take him on my daily excursions. Luckily I have these watching days or I would never get any errands done and I like him to ride around with me. Some days, he's easier than my little kids because he's just along for the ride. No back talk, no complaining, no "Are we there yet?" from the back seat. Just listening to "Row, row row your boat" for him.

Then a nap and then I wait for Felix and then we all three pile back in the car and pick up Robee. Then we hit Wendy's for a bit of food; not too much because we are going to be working out for the next three hours at Tae Kwon Do.

Then on to class until 8:30. Greg picks up Owen at 5:30 and the kids help teach as well.

And thus ENDED - YESTERDAY - the 17th day. humph.

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