Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Summary of 2010

Crap. I was supposed to do this whole "look what happened in my life during 2010" during the week BEFORE the New Year. Oy vey. Didn't happen.

Soooooo .... I'm going to try to sum up in one post from the year. I think (if this stupid blog post will work) that I can do this going backwards. For some reason, posting pics on my blog is the most user-un-friendly thing ever.

Here we go! Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Dec 2010 - CHRISTMAS!!


Nov - The tragic untimely death of my wonderful Uncle Paul Van Alfen (second man from the left). I flew back to Utah to attend his service. This is what is left of my mum's brothers and sisters and their spouses.

PUERTO RICO!! Family Trip the first of November

The Whole Fam Damily


Robee in September (11 yrs old)

Felix in July (13 yrs old)

TIME FLIES!!! ack ack

FAIR DAYS - Silvana in July and Evergreen in August.

Swimming at the river in the hot summer days. Best thing in the whole world.

4th of July in Arlington and Famous Stilliguamish Duck Dash

JUNE - Ben Lomond HS Class of 1980 - 30th Reunion. What a surreal event THAT was, yes indeed.

JUNE - Aunt Virginia and Uncle Ray 50th Wedding Anniversary held in Clinton Utah. I have never been so grateful as to have been able to attend and see my aunts and uncles and cousins again (some of them for the last time it turns out). :(

MAY - The birth of Baby Lyla! This is #7 grandchild in the family.

MAY - The final of the Four get married, Ben. This was a bittersweet day as this would be the last time we would see Ben's best friend Riley, who would be killed in an accident about two months later. (Ben, Robee, Riley)

JUNE - My garden. Due to the awful "Junuary" spring weather, I wasn't able to get my garden in until the middle of June. However, it proved to be a great move as nothing in my garden was rotted out.

APRIL - The latest addition to our animal family, Clyde. He is the great-nephew of Porter. Notice the resemblance?

APRIL - The arrival of Abbi's darling puppies. She had six beautiful babies; four merles, one black bi, one black tri. Sadly, we had to euthanize the first girl Pastel due to a cleft palate (center top). The others we were able to sell - ALL to wonderful families.

JANUARY & FEBRUARY - Home remodeling jobs: new carpet in the front room and a new office/laundry room.

JANUARY - Pinewood Derby. Robee's first (and last) but he won 2nd Place!!

NEW YEAR'S EVE - Evan's birth.

Okay. Technically, he was born in 2009 BUT he's too close to the end of the year to put in LAST year's summary so I wanted to include him in this post. And he is the first exciting thing to happen for us in 2010!!

And ............... There it is. A quick bird's eye view of what happened to me and mine during the 2010 year.

What would I like to see happen for 2011?

Healthy, happy kids.

Continued work for our family.

My dad and sister to remain healthy and happy.


To look a little better in a swimsuit (those Puerto Rico pics were too awful).

To get my back fixed so I can test successfully for my 2nd Degree Blackbelt.

To begin to like Clyde a little more.

To actually accomplish something in my day.

To help someone else once in awhile.

Welcome 2011.


Angie said...

You help me every Monday. :)

Lu Owens said...

Kristi, did anyone find out what caused Paul's crash? The press forgot to follow up on the investigation, it seems. I found your blog when I Googled Paul's name in my attempt to find an update.

Kristi Neeleman said...

Lu Owens,

As far as I know, it is still blamed on the Toyota accelerating when the brakes were being applied. There were tire marks on the ramp all the way to the wall.
I wanted my cousin to get through Christmas before I brought up the subject again.