Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Change is good

So yeah, I changed my blog's name.

When I started this thing, it was sort of under the encouragement of the big kids; they were doing one and thought I might like to join.

They were right; it's been fun and it really HAS helped me remember what has happened in the past. I have such a horrible memory for some things (and not for others which can be frustrating) and this has been great to go back and read. What I'd really like to do is to take each year and make it into a photo/scrapbook of sorts. I don't scrapbook (if God had wanted me to scrapbook, he wouldn't have invented shoe boxes) so this is a great help for those of us who are craftily-challenged.

However, I've always hated my blog title. I wasn't really sure what to call it when I first created it; other's I've read have these clever little titles (some nice, some a little too cutesy for me) and mine just said "Kristi's Blog" ... all in caps no less. Ugh. Blech. Poo.

So I changed it. Not that it's a WHOLE lot more creative, but I feel better about it and that's what counts anyway. If I had wanted suggestions, I would have asked. Perhaps I should have a contest?? :-)

Maybe not.

Anyway, so here's to the first post of the new name.


Leah said...

I think you should change the name to "I Adore Felix's Friend, Leah. I will Always Heed Her Advice and Hold On To Every Word She Ever Says Ever By Documenting It Here."

Kristi Neeleman said...

There is NO possible way that I would EVER EVER say, think, or repeat those words in this or any lifetime.
Especially when I have your voice ringing in my head, counting forever and ever.

Kathi and Bob said...

Love your new title and love reading your blog and keeping up with the "Neeleman" activities!