Friday, May 6, 2011

One of those days

See my little girl? Although I have to admit, she's not so little anymore. She's only about 1/2 inch from the top of my head (5'8") and still tries to sit in my lap even though my legs lose circulation in 5.3 seconds; she's like holding a giant, she's so tall.

She looks lovely in this photo from one of her Keynotes concerts. I think this is when she sang a solo from Queen, "We Will Rock U" and did a wonderful job of course.

She looks poised, regal almost. Like a dancer or young princess. Except that she's fooling you. I truly believe she will kill me before she's 18.

I volunteered to be a chaperon for a band concert/field trip to Puyallup (pronounced pew-all-up) last weekend. First they went to a middle school and to learn and play with several different band teachers. While she's playing at the middle school, I finally arrive to hear the last of the songs from the guest teacher.

She sees me and when they're excused, she comes running up to me to hug me (which is lovely still that she will hug her mum) .... and smacks her alto clarinet into my mouth, chipping off the front of my tooth.

Really. Luckily, it was a small chip, just enough to keep rubbing it with my tongue and thankfully not needing any Bondo to hide a gaping hole.

Now, off to Northwest Trek, which is a wildlife/nature preserve. The land (all 700+ acres) was donated by a pediatrician and his wife back in the 70's or 80's and they have several species of animal herds (bison, elk, mountain goat, etc.) free ranging as well as some predators in separate contained areas (bobcat, wolf, bear, etc.). There is a walking path as well as a tram that will take you around the whole area to see the animals. It's an amazing place and I hope to go back when it's a tad warmer (April in Northwest Washington - Brrrrrr!) and with less kids; two to be exact! They're easier to keep track of - two kids, two eyes and my kids listen to me whereas the others were sort of "Meh, we don't see you."

AND with better shoes.

So Felix, in her rush to get out of the house before leaving for the field trip bus, dons a pair of hemp-ish, beaded, slides that she recently bought at a thrift store and no jacket whatsoever. In my haste to get her to the school, get me back to feed and then drive two hours to Puyallup, didn't even think what she was wearing nor myself. I wear my usual comfy, motherly slip ons and a thin jacket.

that's her foot, my shoe by the way

Truth be told, neither of us knew WHAT Northwest Trek was or did or anything. Ignorance on our part left us unprepared.

So it's a little cloudy and some sprinkles on and off (typical) and cool. Felix is freezing and I (somewhat reluctantly) offer my jacket but thankfully another parent who drove happens to have a bright green hoodie in her car. Yeah! And we're off ....................

Wait. Felix's feet are freezing now. So I again offer something else from my body, my nice comfy shoes for trade so my little girl can enjoy her field trip (I've ALWAYS said children are like parasites, feeding off their parents from day one .... in a loving, nice way of course).

After all, I'm just a mother; what does a mother need with comfort or warmth? I'm sounding a little Jewish now. Oy vey.

So we trade. Not more than 15 steps walking to the front gate, Felix STEPS on the back of my/HER shoes and rips the side almost off. Only a small stitch is keeping the slide on my foot.

So now, not only is my foot freezing, but I'm also hobbling in a broken shoe.

Notice how happy her foot looks next to my sad one. Not to mention, my sad foot really needs a pedicure. Yikes. Maybe that's why it's sad ..... nah.


Finally, the last little stitch, struggling to hang on with all it's might, cannot do it anymore with the shuffling steps of an slightly pudgy, pigeon-toed woman and snaps off. Now, not only am I NOT in my own comfy shoes (did I mention my shoes are REALLY comfy??), but I'm walking with one summery slide and one barefoot. On asphalt. In April. In a rain forest. Humph. What to do?

Suddenly, Keith's voice comes to me in a revelation .... from Hill Field, Utah ... "All you ever need is Crazy Glue and Duct Tape."

O Wonderful Father of Mine! You're right!

I run to the main office ... okay maybe not running since I've got one shoe on and one shoe off, but I was pretending to run ... to ask for duct tape. They must have something like that, working with animals or equipment or men.

I burst through the door, run to the counter. A really young girl/child is holding down the fort. Has no idea what duct tape is but .... well .... this is what she had:

Cellophane packing tape. Young girls. Honestly. AND the girl/child wanted to only give one full wrap-around! What?? I've got to hoof it all over the place with this thing. I need at least two if not three good wraps.

It lasted through the trek, the walk back to the car, to the park to eat pizza and then it broke again. I promptly found a store and bought myself a new pair of shoes. Ah! Peace of mind finally.

And now Felix is wearing them to school today.

1 comment:

Kathi and Bob said...

Kristi- Your blogs are hysterical...but, really, Felix is a beautiful girl and she sure has a great MOM!