Saturday, November 27, 2010

Did I miss Halloween??? My favorite holiday??!!

Wow. It was a busy fall. That is SO not like me, not to even mention Halloween or our costumes.

So here we go backtracking.

Halloween. Felix and Robee had their costumes planned out long ago. Felix wanted to be Cruella deVille from "101 Dalmatians" and Robee wanted to be a mummy.

Both would have to be made since I am starting to hate the store bought ones. I did it when they were little but now we enjoy piecing costumes together from either the thrift store or actually sewing them. Which is what I did for all three of us.

I was a cave woman. It was a choice between a cave woman and .......... I forget it's been so long. But I like how mine turned out.

JoAnn fabric was having a close out sale because they were moving their store so they were liquidating everything. Their fur was so cheap!

Felix was insistent that her coat have: some kind of fur on it (and being the dog-skinning woman she was portraying, it was logical) and we were lucky to find enough to make the front and back; sleeves were done in spotted (like Dalmatian puppies); AND had to be lined in red. Crikey. Did this girl think I was Leah Arkush or something? (my most FAV seamstress)

Robee's was easy to buy; sheets from the thrift store, soaked in black tea for two days, torn into strips and sewn onto thrift store sweats so it looked like he was wrapped.

Mine was just your basic fur toga with wrist and ankle bands and bone accessories. However, the piece de resistance of my costume was the cro-magnon uni brow. Honestly. Everyone loved it.

And their costumes turned out exactly as planned. (the person with the kids is Felix's friend, Jayce)

Luckily, I have every makeup available for every sort of look.

This was taken after three Halloween parties and the kids were just a tad tired of dressing up.

Halloween will always be my favorite 'holiday.'

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