Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Maxito!!

Happy Birthday to our 2nd grandchild, Max. He is 5 years old today!
I call him Maxito. I don't know if he likes this, but he always knows that it's me when I call and say "Hey Maxito!" I figure if he really hated, he would say something.

I'm so glad that he is doing so great after his eye surgery! He's a great kid and we can't wait to see him again. It's hard being so far away from our other three grandkids.

Hope you had a great day!!


Emilee said...

Hooray for Max (except for he is 5)

ha ha - being far away is hard!! Miss you guys so much.

Kristi Neeleman said...

Yeah! And didn't I JUST have that conversation with him this morning?? Serious. I KNOW I'm getting Alzheimer's. I have no doubt.
The beauty of blogspot is that I can change my boo boo in the wink of an eye!

Emilee said...

He did tell you he was 4 this morning. Thanks for the birthday wish on the blog!!