Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is why I never did musicals in high school!

Felix and I goofing off the other day. One of my most favorite songs because I LOVE summer and the sun.

I am posting this because I know that in 3 years or less, she will not want to sing crazy with her mother, nor will she want the incriminating video posted on the Internet. I'm taking advantage of this moment in time!

She may hate me later, but oh well. It was fun singing with her.

Not to mention, in three years (or less), my hair will be completely grey and this is one way to remember it's former color! How funny is that!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Things that make me happy

There are some things that make me happy. Not over-joyous, just kind of happy. I was thinking of a couple of these and thought I'd share.

My shirts color-coordinated. Before this, I had them in order of sleeve length (spaghetti, tanks, short, 3/4 elbow, long). When I was teaching at MMSC, I would need to make sure that I wore either long or 3/4 long sleeves, so it was easier to have them in sleeve order. That way, I knew exactly where to look.
Now that I'm not teaching anymore, it seemed a lot easier to have them in color order. This looks very orderly to me and makes me happy that I know exactly where the pink shirts are located or the brown shirts.

Many of you who may know Lucy (my mum) might think that I'm channelling her; you could be right. But EVERYONE has a little bit of OC in them and those who are without that, may cast the first stone.

Robee's annual haircut. I say "annual" because that's about how often he gets it cut. Once a year.

This is before. I don't know WHEN those damn incisors are going to come in but it's been almost eight months.

This is after. To the buzz-cut aficionado, you may not see a difference. But the "mullet" is gone as are the sticking out curls in the back AND I can see his eyes again.

That makes me happy. I love to see his eyes.

Ditching the reading glasses.

Awhile back, I posted a blog talking about my having to wear reading glasses to see up close and I was wailing and gnashing my teeth about it. Yes, I know it's vain, but I've been wearing the freeking things since 2nd grade and I would like to not have to go back to them so quickly in my life.

I spoke to an optometrist about it (I finally broke down and went to a real doc - not located at Walmart) and asked him about CRT (which is NOT CHOOSE RIGHT THE) but a lens that you wear at night which reshapes the eye so the nearsighted wearer can see in the daytime -- without lenses! Isn't that great?

Great for those who qualify that is. I'm so blind (20/horrible or 20/800 if you need a number) that I don't qualify.

However, there is something called mono-vision where they correct one eye - usually your dominate one - for distance and then under correct the other for close up. So one eye sees distance and the other close up. I know it sounds dizzying but your brain actually figures out which eye to use to see what it needs. I didn't believe it either until that day when I started reading again (after the dilation wore off, that is) without having to move my contact and close one eye.

It's a miracle! I believe!

So, there. I'm happy. For the moment.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another Tournament, another can of whoop a**

We attended our last Canadian TaeKwonDo tournament on Saturday. We left about 6:30 am, thinking we would arrive before line-up.
Except that -- being female -- I forgot to pack the male support devices (ahem) absolutely NEEDED for sparring. Not only needed but required. Hey. Would the guys remember my sports bra?? Doubt it. So there is no reason I should be required to remember their protective gear.

Anyway, since we were already on the road, we decided to stop in Bellingham and hopefully find a Walmart and grab two on the way.

Couldn't find a Walmart but found a Joe's which didn't open until 8 and we were there at 7:30. So to kill some time, we found a Starbucks and grabbed our favorite Green Tea Latte and waited outside Joe's.

8:00 am and Thomas is in the store, found the stuff and we're off.

The wait at the border was quick since no one is going to Canada on Saturday; they're all coming here to shop!
Got to the tournament late anyway and missed line up because we had to register late. So there was no warming up, no stretching out, no practicing the form before our turn. Thomas, Felix and Robee were all in the first round and I was in the second, so I got to run around to three rings to watch all their forms and sparring.

Saturday was not a good day for the Black Belt Neeleman Family.

Robee got half way through his form and then blanked out. Once you blank out, it's hard to get the rhythm again. He pretty much tanked.

Felix blanked at the end of her form and so she was toast.

Thomas did part of his form twice (which he wasn't supposed to do) and so tanked.

Now it's up to me, last of the BBN, to bring home the trophy. I only had three other women in my group. Piece of cake.

Start my form, doing good. Finding my stride. Looking okay. Got the side hook kick down. Then ... I turn the wrong way. I find myself turned completely around and had to stop and wait until my brain could figure out how to recover from this horrible position.

I had been cursed.

I came in fourth out of four. Sucks.

However, I did okay in sparring. I took second. So it wasn't all bad.

We have two more tournaments before the end of the season. They can be really fun but tiring. We were exhausted yesterday and today it's still hanging around.
Yeah for martial arts!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Maxito!!

Happy Birthday to our 2nd grandchild, Max. He is 5 years old today!
I call him Maxito. I don't know if he likes this, but he always knows that it's me when I call and say "Hey Maxito!" I figure if he really hated, he would say something.

I'm so glad that he is doing so great after his eye surgery! He's a great kid and we can't wait to see him again. It's hard being so far away from our other three grandkids.

Hope you had a great day!!

Thomas Birthday photos

Birthday boy with his cake.

As everyone knows, the best cake is homemade yellow cake with chocolate fudge frosting -- at least 2 inches of frosting. My recipe for the cake comes from my Aunt Betty and the frosting recipe is from my Uncle Duncan.
Ya know, Robee seems to get in EVERY picture -- even if it's not his birthday. Such a little turd. I hope he never loses that quirk.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Thomas Robert Dale Neeleman.

In about 3 minutes (depending on how fast I can type this), Thomas will be celebrating his 55th birthday.

I wish he read blogs; just not his style. :)

But I want to tell him how much I love him, even when he's teasing me or poking me or trying to eat my food or dancing with a pillow on his head or pretending to use my toothbrush just to see what I will do or when ............... fill in the blank. That's just the way he is.

Here are some other things that he is:

He is a master builder. He can build just about anything. I don't know what he can't build but I'm still waiting to find out.

He is a Black Belt in the ancient art of Tae Kwon Do ... and is sure to inform every jerk driver that he will pull them from their car and kick their ass if he catches them.

Again, master building of decks this time. I never thought it was possible that we would be able to fortify and strengthen the deck after the Northwest rains, but we did. I say we, of course, meaning him.
He is a business man, starting several successful businesses in his young life. This was his latest, "Legal Donuts." Man o man. I do miss those kolaches. Mmmmmm!

He is a great father. He is a iron support to every single one of his kids - in good times and bad.

He is a HUGE tease and jokester. I have never met a man who loves to laugh and make people laugh as much as Thomas.

He's been known to consume large quantities of energy drinks, just to keep from biting off his hand during long road trips.

He is a wonderful grandfather. We've added a few more grandkids to the mix but everyone of them loves him deeply.

He is a mighty outdoorsman. A man's man. See him scope out the wilderness in search of his family's next meal (that would be the nearest restaurant of course).

He is a good first-date kind of guy. He was lined up on a blind date with me and wouldn't tell me his real name at first, just in case.

Luckily for us, he gave in and convinced me that we should be together and he was right.

He willingly added two more children to his brood and has supported them in their endeavors as much as the firsts.

He is my husband, friend, sweetie, sometimes sparring companion, forever date and I love him so.

Happy Birthday Thomas. Here's to the next 55 years.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Angie! (about 7 days late)

Last Friday was Angie's birthday. I had the unfortunate luck to not bring my camera nor bring in my phone. So I have no pics of her birthday dinner. Sigh. Sorry Angie.

But luckily, Bob (Steve's dad) had his camera ready and handy and captured the candle blowing moment. Thanks Bob!

We had a great dinner with all the kids (minus Emilee and company of course) and got to see Bob and Kathie's new home in Bellingham.

Hard to believe it's been almost 13 years and that Angie had just turned 16 when I first met the family. She and I spent a lot of time together since she and Ben were living with Thomas at the house in Centerville. I think I even went to a basketball game with her and Rachel at Viewmont HS.

Rather brave of a teenager to ask a new step mom to attend a game with her and her friends with the possibilty of having to introduce this new person to others. Especially in the fishbowl of Centerville, Utah.

Thanks Angie. Here's to the next 13 years ... if no one kills me, that is.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Felix's new 'do!

Felix decided she was ready for a new, more middle school hair do. So she's been bugging me for DAYS to get her an appointment for said hair do.

I got one for her at a local salon that is quite nice.

Here she is before.

Here she is before also .... with that really weird eye thing she does.

And here she is after. This is the hair do that ALL the girls have at school and since ALL the girls have it, then she has to too.

"So," says I, "if ALL the girls put elephant poo on their hair, would you do the same?" Spoken like a true mother who had her mother say the exact same thing when I wanted to buy the latest fashion in jeans.

And I say IT ROCKS!! (this is from Felix's hand)

And she looks lovely. She'd probably look lovely with elephant poo on her head too, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I know that I'm alone in my opinions, but it is extremely difficult for me to watch my children grow older. I feel them slipping away from me like waves on the beach and I cannot hold on.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Post for today

So today I spent most of the day driving cars back and forth between Arlington and Burlington as a fund raiser for Arlington High School. Don't ask.

Anyway, I also got the oil changed in my car.

I clipped the hooves of the goats.

I fed the goats.

I did Felix's wash (actually still doing it).

Being an adult is soooooooooooo much fun.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


Super Bowl Sunday at the house. Food and family galore!

Robee and Owen wrestling. The game got a little boring for them and so they found their own form of entertainment.

Thomas, looking very much like a silver-backed gorilla, discussing the game with Greg (you can see his leg).

Jen, Ang and Steve --- eyes fixed on the game. Actually it appears Jen's eyes may be fixed on the Ruffles!

Thomas, with his analysis of the ongoing game.

Felix and Ben, intently watching the game. Felix is especially interested in the latest play.

And no Super Bowl Party is complete without ........................................... FOOOOOOOD!!! And lots of it!!
Thanks to Ang and Jen for the preparation (Ben: excellent chicken enchiladas!)

This was not junk food. Almost all the food groups were met. Behold:

Meat group

Fruit Group

Dairy Group!!

The final score: Pittsburgh 27, Arizona 23. Too bad, so sad.

Where's that Alka Seltzer?