Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Annual Leavenworth Trip 2012

leavenworth - robee angel 2 leavenworth - felix angel leavenworth - kids in snow leavenworth - robee angel

And here are the kids during our trek to Leavenworth. We’ve been trying to do this for about three years now. It’s a good time for the kids to hang out with Thomas, especially since he’s been working long hours this past summer and fall and have not been able to spend a lot of time with him.

The snow? Not so much. It was okay – not as bad as last year where it was frozen solid but not as good as the year before when it was perfect. Hopefully, we can find it better next year when we go again.

I wish I had better pics but I forgot my camera and my Crackberry is acting up again (OH say it ain’t so!! MY crackberry NOT behaving??? Gah. I hate this phone) and I had to use Thomas’ phone.

And it was night. And it was a little pile of snow, pushed up by snowplows and the kids were trying to make the most of what snow there was.

Sad that they love snow so much and we live in the GREEN Pacific Northwest. Sad for them, not so much for me.

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