Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day, To my Dad!

My dad, J. Keith Barker

My dad is my hero. I love him so.

He is my laugh, my strength, my frustration at times.
He is my saint, my knight, my source of pride.

He taught me:
To love animals.
To pick up trash.
To read the Sunday funnies.
To walk really fast.
To love milk and ice cream.
To love the Flag.
To have immense patience.
To mow the grass.
To love the taste of fish.

His favorite song is "The Iron Rod."
He would sing it to us during our bath.
His favorite food is jello.
He can eat an entire pan of the stuff.
He flew F-111's during the Vietnam War.
He was shot at several times.
I am so lucky he came home to us.

He is one of the kindest, funniest, sweetest, nuttiest men on this planet.
I hope he always knows how much I love him.


1 comment:

Tristie hearts Dax said...

really neat tribute to your Dad, Kristi. perfectly said.