Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some wonderful things happened in 2008

I didn't get a chance to say Goodbye to 2008. We were too pooped and it was too cold and rainy to do our fireworks or our traditional bonfire (Thank you Mother Nature).

I started going through last year's pics and decided that there were some good and not-so-good things that happened -- but for the most part, it was a good year.

These are NOT in chronological order; I don' t have the patience. Perhaps later this week I'll rework the blog. I really just wanted to get these up tonight.


We had a White Christmas (like it or not) this year. At least 3 feet of the white stuff fell in two days. But we were able to make a really cool sphinx. Forget the traditional snowman; that's kid stuff for us!!

We made a new garden (we have yet to finish the deer fence)

Robee had a birthday.

We took a road trip from Las Vegas to St. George to Salt Lake and Thomas drink a 72 oz. Monster Energy Drink to keep himself sane.

I got to see NEIL DIAMOND in concert two days before my birthday!!

We watched the Super Bowl (don't even ask me who was playing).

We went to Starbucks after Tae Kwon Do class for hot chocolate and Green Tea Lattes.

Jen had a birthday and got pregnant (not in that order however!)

Owen wished he were 18 so that HE could vote for Barack Obama to help him win (but Obama won anyway! Whoo Hoo!!)

Miss Biss (Alsya) came to visit us in August and we had a great bike ride.

My dear friend Leah graduated from WSU (being snuggled here with my other dear friend Kathleen)

The kids (and Porter) won 1st place in the annual Kiddie Day Parade in Arlington.

My niece (I have three) Heidi married Josh in August!

Felix dressed like Devil Dick Cheney for our party.

Felix had a birthday.

We witnessed the most unusual and peculiar cloud during the Evergreen Fair.

And as usual, we ATE at the Evergreen Fair (ummmmm!!! Best fair food ever!) Diana, Kennedy, and Emilee and family came to visit for Angie's wedding.

The four of us passed our Black Belt test.

My dear 18 year old kitty Zeke finally went to Cat Heaven.

Porter and Abbi on one of their many trips in my car. Where I go, they go.

Felix's pet pigeon, Crocodile also moved on to another life this summer.

Spring! When new baby goats are everywhere.

And there is a quick photog of my 2008.


Unknown said...

Hey Kristi, nice photo blog. Looks like your 2008 was a full year. Here's to a great 2009! Found your blog from your facebook... hope you don't mind me popping over.

Kristi Neeleman said...

Not at all! Nice to hear from you again.
I started this at the pushing of my step kids.
I try to blog everyday but that's impossible somedays. If I can get one every other day, then I feel good.
Have a Happy New Year!