Thursday, January 8, 2009

11 more days to President Obama

I don't know what to wear. I don't know what to bring. I don't know ........ anything.

I just found out that NO bags of any sort can be carried to the Inauguration.

Okay. I understand that. I understand the security thing. But how and where am I going to carry my camera? Wallet? Binoculars? Chapstick? All stuffed in my pockets?

Should I wear a gigantic trench coat with nine pockets? Yeah. That'll look less suspicious.

I realize that this is not an earth shattering problem but it's on my mind.

And what about all the souvenirs I'm buying for all my family? How will I cart those around? The "My Mom/Step mom/Daughter/Sister/Aunt/Niece/Friend/Cousin went to Washington DC to watch the Inauguration of Barack Obama and all I got was this Lousy Tee-Shirt" purchase? How will I carry all those?


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