Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be careful. What. You. Wish. For.

Okay ...... I'm thinking back last week or so. I was moaning and wailing and gnashing my teeth about the snow and cold.

I was saying (and my kids can repeat it verbatim) that I never missed rain so much before until after this enormous snowstorm that dumped almost 4 feet of snow on our area.

So ..... I'm now regretting what I said.

Highway 9 has closed which is a back road into town. Highway 530 has also closed which is the front way into town. The Stillaguamish River has broken from it's banks in several places and washed over the road.

So to get the kids to school, the buses have to go down farther south to Smokey Point and then back out on the freeway -- and they have been severely delayed.

I made the executive decision to stay home.

Needless to say, they're thrilled.

I do feel so bad for the homes that are in 4 feet of water. I see the fields and barns and homes flooded with so much water and the rain keeps coming and it's 54 degrees outside which means the snow is warming and melting way too fast.

Even our little pond is overflowing and there is a river behind the pigeon coop. My Zen garden pond is reaching the bridge and my garden is a puddle of mud.

Note to self: stop wishing for something else. Just let whatever weather wear itself out.

1 comment:

Alysa said...

kristi max dose not have a cast anymore