We had our first TaeKwonDo Tournament for the season yesterday in Marysville (about 15 minutes away) and we all did fairly well. Robee got 3rd in Sparring; Thomas got 1st in both Forms and Sparring; Felix got 3rd in both Forms and Sparring; I got 2nd in Sparring and 3rd in Forms. I also got a lovely knot on my shin from some crazy woman who came at me with an ax-kick and hit my leg. Bonus points if you end up with injuries at tournaments. :)
Then we went to dinner with the kids (the ones that live here-Angie, Jen, Ben) and Kathy and Bob, who are Steve's parents. They are living with Angie and Steve until their new home in Bellingham closes next month. Great people! We've been lucky to acquire such nice sons-in-laws and their parents.
I got a great iPod deck for my listening enjoyment (Thanks Kids!) and Thomas gave me a camera. Of course, it couldn't be that I've been hinting for one since July when I dropped my camera and broke it during the Kiddie Day Parade.
It's a great to have a camera again. It's orange. I've never seen one that color before. Which is why Thomas bought it; different.
So life is better after the birthday.
Pictures with new camera:
Thomas talking .... I think.
I do not know what Felix is doing but Ben looks scary.
Angie and Kathy
Felix and I
Jen (under paper) and Owen