Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Death to the Pinata!

Our Tae Kwon Do teacher's daughter had her birthday party last Saturday. Along with the Filipino food (which is great but I always end up feeling like the Hindenburg after consuming vast quantities of it), an absolutely wonderful fruit cake (not the gross Christmas kind but the light, fluffy kind with strawberries, mangos, and melons in it) and Tres Leche cake, there were three pinatas for the kids to destroy. Observe:





Good times. Summer is quickly leaving my side. Sigh.

1 comment:

Tristie hearts Dax said...

Kristi- your summer sounds/looks so fun. I am sorry to read that your cat Zeke died. Wow. He was an old man. I remember that good cat. I am not sure if he is the one who jumped in my car when I left your house one day and I didn't realize it until I heard a meowing when I was on Bluff Street. Good times. I am sure you will miss him so dearly. Felix and Robee are SO big and so gorgeous! Fun to check in on you.