Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A quickie!

For those of you who haven't seen the kids in awhile, here is the latest pic of them together .... getting along actually.

This was taken yesterday at a mini-concert for their school choir. What I see when I look at this is "Holy Cats. When did they get so big?" And "Robee needs a haircut and Felix needs to wash her hair," but that's a mom's point of view of course!

I am always amazed when I look at them from a distance and I can see that they are taller than they were a month ago. Felix's pants are all too short and Robee's sleeves are always too short.

Life does go by at a quick pace and I have always wished I could have a little camera mounted to my head so that I could record everything little thing that my kids do so I never forget it. Because as they grow older, I (very unfortunately) find myself trying to remember them when they were two, four, and six and it's definitely harder. I don't want to forget because they're going to be 18 (in what will seem like days, I'm sure) and all this wonderful stuff will be gone.

My moment of Zen.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

They are old! We are so excited to come in April. It will be so much fun!