Thursday, March 20, 2008

Last Choir Concert

I realize that I have hundreds of pictures of my kids on this blog as well as on my Facebook page.

However, the joy of being parent (and the thorn of those around said parent) is to show off every photo possible of your kids. I had to put this one on: Felix with curly hair.

She loved it so much that she wants to do this more often. It took a good 30 minutes because her hair is very straight.

She is getting so old.

Here is another one of the two of them, all dressed up. They clean up fairly well, actually!

I wish that I had had the video camera on Robee after the concert. As the students were leaving the stage, one very show-off-y boy was dancing around the stage. I wonder who?? Is this the same boy who used to say "Don't see me?" Hard to believe.

1 comment:

Colette said...

How do we teach our children to be happy with what they were born with? Rebekah's hair is curly and she spends an hour straightening it - go figure.