Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow post continued ….

And it’s gone. Melted into slush, then melted into water and slid down into the river out to the Sound.porter in the snow

It was fun while it lasted.

The first day of the snow was lovely and quiet and fun. The kids were running around screaming, “Wheeeeee! Snow! Let’s go play!!” There was no school and everyone was very happy.DSC_0563

Next day, it was still kind of fun. Still more snow. Got up to 8.5 inches and it just kept falling. The kids were running around and happily shouting, “Wow! Snow! Let’s go out again.” There was still no school and everyone was happy.Snow falling on pond

Next day, it was nice. STILL more snow. Up to almost a foot of snow. Still falling. Cars were falling off the freeway. Cars getting stuck on the roads (I personally pulled out Thomas from a ditch). Nobody going anywhere and all local stores were closed. The kids were looking out the windows and saying, “Huh. Still snowing. Still no school though so we’re happy. Maybe we’ll just make another batch of cookies.”

Snow House

By Thursday night/Friday morning, the thaw that was predicted to begin, began. Everything went to slush. School was still closed because, why bother opening the school for one day? We’ll just make everyone go to school until the first week of July (thinks the asinine school board that I really despise because they OBVIOUSLY have NO children attending schools and yet they continue to make the most ridiculous decisions regarding ……. ugh …. jump down from soap-box).Snow on Tree

We ended making four batches of chocolate chip and sugar cookies. Luckily, they were all half-batches and luckily I had plenty of supplies on hand and luckily, I didn’t eat all of them. Luckily.snow on the dock

And again, I have been proven NOT crazy for buying my cross-country skis last year, even though I live in the Great, Green Northwest. I took the dogs out in the pasture, skied around the whole property and then took off up the road and skied around our two mile road in the neighborhood. It was wonderful.

True, it was no Mt. Ogden Golf Course and I didn’t have the pleasure of watching Conan attack my faux fur hat in the back of my Tracker after a day of skiing with my best buddy Leah …. but it certainly came very close.

It will now be known as “The Week We Lost In January.”

snow buddha and robee snow buddha

Snow Buddha (the one in the white, not the one in the hat). We don’t mean to make weird snow sculptures, but it just happens that way. We just have a hard time making the typical round snowmen. This guy lasted about two days and then ended up melting into a lump of slush. Sad ending to a very artistic attempt at snow sculpting.

Now to prepare for the floods.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

And the children said, “Let there be Snow …”

And did it EVER snow. Crikey.Snow inchesMeasured at 10 am on Tuesday. About 8.5 inches

snow on railThen, not more than 2 hours after that:snow at 11 inches 11.5 inches. Gah.

Oh yes. Of COURSE there was no school. I USED to be poopy about that whole thing (I can tell I haven’t changed much however) and why in the world do they close school for snow? BUT this snow … well it’s a weird snow. It’s more like oatmeal than frozen water. It sticks to literally everything and won’t let tires move on the road. I actually got stuck in my own driveway THEN started sliding into my neighbor’s ditch when I was dropping off Robee to play with his friend. Crap.

But then there’s this:

snow breakand I look out over the snow and see the blue peeking out during a break in the storm and think, “Yeah, it’s kind of pretty.”

Then I realize I have to go pick up the kids and find myself, after driving through the snow (with others who have NO idea how to drive in ANY weather, let alone sticky snow) looking like THIS when I get back to the house:

me old

Welcome to snow days honey!

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Robee’s phone is connected to mine and he’s now found an app called “OLD BOOTH” and yeah, I tried it.

Actually, I don’t think I look too damn bad (and I say that NOW, almost 50). I’m keeping this pic and will compare it to the actual woman when she turns 70 … if I make it that long. And if my neck really looks that good, I’ll be happy.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I try to take a pic of me with all the grandkids when they’re little. This is grandbaby #8, Autumn.

me & autumn

I’ll have to find the rest of them and post them all for my future book.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I really do look like Keith.

Okay, I confess. I'm NOT adopted. See, here is proof; I have Daddy's bald gene.

As I've mentioned in many many posts, my Crackberry is a piece of crap now. So for Christmas, The Spouse got me a new phone.

And with this new phone came some really great apps. And some really useless, albeit hysterical, apps. Like the one above called "Bald Booth."


Someone has WAY too much time on their hands to create something like this. And just so I'm not to blame - Robee also got a phone and because he is a minor (and I like to keep track of my kids), his phone is tied into mine. So whatever apps he gets, I get. THIS is his app.

Apparently there is also a Fat Booth, Skinny Booth and (saints preserve us!) a Naked Booth.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Annual Leavenworth Trip 2012

leavenworth - robee angel 2 leavenworth - felix angel leavenworth - kids in snow leavenworth - robee angel

And here are the kids during our trek to Leavenworth. We’ve been trying to do this for about three years now. It’s a good time for the kids to hang out with Thomas, especially since he’s been working long hours this past summer and fall and have not been able to spend a lot of time with him.

The snow? Not so much. It was okay – not as bad as last year where it was frozen solid but not as good as the year before when it was perfect. Hopefully, we can find it better next year when we go again.

I wish I had better pics but I forgot my camera and my Crackberry is acting up again (OH say it ain’t so!! MY crackberry NOT behaving??? Gah. I hate this phone) and I had to use Thomas’ phone.

And it was night. And it was a little pile of snow, pushed up by snowplows and the kids were trying to make the most of what snow there was.

Sad that they love snow so much and we live in the GREEN Pacific Northwest. Sad for them, not so much for me.