I’m way behind. It’s now the second week of October. It was a busy end of September/beginning of October.
Birthdays were celebrated, babies were born, kids got involved in extra curricular events, and organs were removed.
First: Birthdays. Greg and I have birthdays within a week of each other. His the 22nd of September, mine the 26th. So in the family tradition of going out to eat for one’s birthday – we didn’t. Greg happily acquired pneumonia during his birthday weekend and Thomas and I left for a three-day Judges conference right after mine. And my birthday was on a Monday. Really tough to gather people together. So we postponed our combined dinners until October.
The older I get, the less I’m worried about celebrating my birthday or having a “special” day. I mean, it’s nice to hear from people wishing you a Happy Birthday; you know you’re still loved and wanted. But as far as being treated differently, I think its kind of dumb. In my family growing up, you pretty much did the same stuff on your birthday as you would any other day. No one treated you special. We would have a family party, never a friend one. I have never had a friend party for my birthday. None of us did. Isn’t that weird? It seems so normal to have a friend party for kids and yet, we were never allowed to have one. Too much mess for OCD Lucy.
However, I did get some lovely, lovely flowers from Thomas and cupcakes from the girls. That made it a special day for me.
Moving on ….
Our other birthday to celebrate was a new one. Jen finally (finally!) had her little girl on the 29th of September.
I was hoping she could have her on my birthday and take over my day so I could bask in her celebration. But some people don’t like to share birthdays and maybe she would hate it later. Actually, I’ve hated my birthday anyway because it’s in September and I really hate September because the first day of Autumn is in September and this is my LEAST favorite season next to Winter. The only good thing about this season is that Halloween is coming up and after that, there are only five more months until Spring.
Moving on ….
The day after my birthday, Thomas and I went to a place called Suncadia in Cle Elum Washington to attend a Judges Conference. He spoke, I relaxed. Sometimes its good to be the spouse. I left Felix with Leah so she could get to school and Robee with Reilly for the same reason. Kelly came to watch the animal farm and keep the house looking occupied.
Cle Eum is about two hours from our house and is located in a high mountain area. It reminded me so much of Flaming Gorge. Big Pines and the mountain breezes I remember from when we used to camp up there. I was able to rent a bike and go for wonderful two hour ride. Then, as I was on a fairly deserted road, my bike chain fell off and I was stranded. And my cell phone didn’t work. And did I mention I was on a deserted road? Yeah. My mind started freaking out, thinking of everything awful that could possibly happen. Luckily, in my wise new 49 year old brain, I shook those thoughts out, fixed the bike and calmly pedaled back to the lodge. No harm done.
Then I changed (after taking a rest and eating a bagel) for a swim in the heated pool and soak in the hot tub. I brought a book and just sat and read. I haven’t done that in …. I don’t know how long.
Moving on …..
Both kids are really involved in extra school stuff this year. Sometime this summer, Robee suddenly decided he really liked the drums. He’s been in the band playing snare drums but he wanted to try his hand at a drum set. I found this kid at the Arlington 4th of July party (I say kid; he’s about 20) who was willing to do lessons and yard work for a really great price. We found a drum set on craigslist and away he went. He loves it. So now he plays both the guitar and the drums. He auditioned for the drummer position in Keynotes (the singing group that Felix was in last year) as well as the Jazz Band – and he made both. Good and bad. Good because … well that’s obvious. Bad because he now has to be at school, every morning at 7 am. Which means he never rides the morning bus. Which means someone has to take him every morning to school. Which is me. Normally. There goes our 7 am yoga class. Oh well.
Felix auditioned for a part a school play and she got the understudy, which is amazing for a freshman. The ironic part? - besides the fact that she loves being on stage as much as I do – the play she is doing is “Rehearsal for Murder,” which is a show I did at Heritage Community Theater around 1992 or so. It’s a Who-Done-It type of play, where its a play with-in a play. Her character is Bella, who is the producer. The really cool thing is that there is a show just for the understudies prior to the run. She will get to shine for that show and she’s also an extra in the regular show. She is just now realizing the amount of time one puts into being in a show. And she hasn’t even hit Hell Week yet. I’ve been asked to help with make-up and costumes. Ha! I’m so psyched for her! She is going to have so much fun.
Moving on ….. October is another post.
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