Here it is again. Man, that year went REALLY fast. It seems like I was just writing about last year’s Halloween. Crikey.
And here are the decided costumes for this year:
Robee is The Joker and Felix is a Forest Fairie.
Felix vacillated between a 50’s vampire and something else that I can’t remember but then came up with the Forest Fairie. We had to figure out a way for her to sit in the car with those funky wings. Ugh. Her make-up was an experiment that turned out quite well. Especially those vine-y things running down her arms. I wasn’t sure about those.
Robee somehow found a purple blazer and purple pants that fit him (with just a small adjustment from the sewing machine). Then one day later, I found the orange shirt and he has a green tie (I have no idea why; another thrift store purchase). The make-up was a blast to do.
Again I say unto you, having done theater for about 15 years certainly has paid off. I love doing their make-up for things like this and I LOVE that they LOVE it too. Makes it all worthwhile.
All costumes came from the thrift store. I love the thrift stores out here. For some reason, they’re not the same as the Deseret Industries in Utah. I think they have one of those here but it’s clear in BFE (or Bellevue which I refuse to drive to on any given day), so forget it. The Goodwill and Value Village are such great stores plus all the smaller, independent thrifts as well. Typically we hit Value Village; Felix thinks that store is cleaner and more organized.
Then there is me. Yeah. I didn’t do anything this year. I didn’t even decorate. I feel awful about it. I don’t think I ever NOT decorated for Halloween. Christmas, yes. But Halloween? Unthinkable.
Yet here I sit at ….. midnight ….. with all my decor still in a box in the garage. I have no costume for me. No lights up. No skeletons on the door. No pumpkins carved. Nothing. Nada. Zip. I can’t seem to muster the … whatever … to get it going. I guess I can pull the “I just had surgery” card, but I feel that excuse is wearing a tad thin. Sadly, I really don’t feel ready to drag out a bunch of stuff just to put it away next week. I’m not feeling its because I’m sick of celebrating; I really don’t feel like going there. I’m hoping that it really is because I’m still getting back to “normal” … whatever that is … and I’ll feel better come Thanksgiving and Christmas. If I’m stressed now about decorating, I’ll really be a mess for those holidays since I’m stressed about them on a normal year.
Luckily I have very nice, thoughtful kids who do not pressure me or whine about the decor this year (at least not to my face which is probably wise). I appreciate their consideration. I know they notice the lack of decorations and miss it but we did get the fantastic costumes together and that I think, will hold them for this year.
Well, the insomnia isn’t going away so I’ll do something else to try to go to sleep rather than read about my own boring life.