During this past winter, I had been noticing a large metal object starting to protrude from under the ground.
Living on this land where a man (who used to be a dozer) dumped LOTS of parts, I've gotten sort of used to finding Objects D'art hiding amongst the leaves and grass. However this is one that had me stumped.
On Saturday, while Ben was doing his penance mowing, he high-centered the mower on this thing that had finally come all the way up to the surface.
He and I pushed the mower off the "thing" first and then Thomas and I got a shovel and starting/prying it out of the ground.
This is what came up:
After much deliberation and hemming and hawing from the three of us, we finally decided that it is a left-over stabilizer foot from a backhoe. That would make sense for several reasons:
- He used to be a backhoe and bulldozer operator (as well as a taxidermist and the man who would shoot kids if they touched his mailbox),
- He has left more metal in this ground than there is in a mine field because he didn't throw anything away; too expensive. So he would either bury it or let the blackberries grow over it. And,
- Who doesn't want a stabilizer foot in their grass?
I - dragged?drugged?drug? - pulled the "thing" over to where the trailer sits and where the mower doesn't go and won't get high centered.
Problem: what does one do with a 200+ pound stabilizer foot? I can't lift it to put in a truck to take to the metal recyclers. I can't put in the garbage can. I can't even rebury it since it obviously was buried before but the ground spat it back out.
So it sits on the side of the roundabout, out of every one's way. And it will stay there until I can figure out what to do with this "thing."
Thank you Jim, yet again, for really adding something extra to this property.
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