So as we end this year, we end with a middle school band concert. Robee has joined for his sixth grade year (since our education a**hole administrators decided to eliminate 5th grade band) and wanted to go into percussion. However, the 'rule' is that you have to do bells first.
And here he is, with his bell set that weighs five tons to carry, hard to play, and is done only because he has to, not because he really wants to play the bells.
Sometimes ya gotta jump thru the hoops.
He looks so old and lanky and ..... old. And he needs a haircut - even tho I like long hair on boys, his is actually getting a smidgen longer than I even like.
Felix, just before the concert began. She is playing the alto clarinet this year; the only one in fact which is cool. She has a sparkly, silver shirt on for this concert. We saw in a consignment store window and both of us KNEW that she had to have that shirt for performances!
I was just about to take a picture and Robee dropped his bell case on his foot. Captured the moment!
He recovered quickly for the next photo.
Here is the motley crew of band members:
Robee in a headlock by Caroline, Felix, Jacey, Leah.
(Caroline and Leah are no longer in band but are with the yearbook photo staff)
And another.
And one more. Mom likes to take lots of pics, eh?
Hello there Mrs.Felix. I have come to stalk you on your blog. :) Just kidding. Love the pic of Robee dropping the bells on his foot!! p.s. You need to spell Jacey's name like that. :) Thought you'd like to know. :D
Leah, I nevr no howe 2 reemimbr 2 speeel hir namee. tanks.
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