Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Garden 2010

I mentioned that I threw my garden in this year. Here is the story.

It's true. The spring weather was so bad this year. Rain almost every day. Mold growing crazy. Chickens doing the backstroke in the run. Awful.

Then suddenly, almost at the end of June, the sun began to shine (finally!) and I jumped in my car, ran to The Plant Farm (yes, that's the actual name) and bought every veggie plant they had left in the place. AND because the spring sucked and everyone else who planted early had to plant AGAIN because it all died, their stuff was marked 60% off! I got my entire garden for less than 60 bucks!!! Huge bargain!

I took three hours from my kids' summer activities with me and planted like a Whirling Dervish. By the end of the three hours, I did six garden boxes and loaded two new ones with eight wheel barrow loads of topsoil. My disks were bursting from the spine but I was so happy.

I'm very proud of the garden. I really like to plant and watch things grow. This is not saying however, that I'm any good at it; in fact, I think I'm rather bad at it. I can look around the yard right now and see several things which are dying due to lack of rain and water. The pine trees look terrible. I killed the tree in the house by putting it outside too soon. My avocados died - again. I forgot to water Robee's sunflower seedlings and now they're crispy sticks, drooping over the edge of the pot.

I fail at being consistent with things.

But I still enjoy walking into this fenced in place we've so painstakingly created last year and seeing stuff growing. Corn, peas, pumpkins, tomatoes, beans .............. and the occasional slug.

That's okay though. I expect those and I have found a wonderful, organic way of getting rid of them: I run them over with the lawn mower.

We added two more garden boxes this year which have herbs and beans in them. I've got the usual stuff I like: cukes and peas. I've never grown corn so I thought I'd throw some seeds in there and they seem to be doing quite well.

The pumpkins are exploding and I'm hoping THIS year to actually use at least one of ours for our Jack-O-Lanterns. My granola neighbor (who is also in my church) makes homemade pumpkin pie from hers but I'm like "Uh, if God had wanted me to make pumpkin pie from these, he wouldn't have invented the canned stuff."

I also have that excuse for scrap booking only with shoe boxes.

This is our grape arbor. Notice the pile towards the back of the row? That was all weeds. They were completely choking out the poor grapes, sucking the life and water from them. I spent two hours pulling, chopping, and yanking and finally cleared the mess out. Much better.

And so goes another entry in my blog book. Someday, I'm just going to print this whole thing so I can go back when my mind is completely gone (although, I feel I'm nearing that point now) and go through and try to remember what I actually accomplished in my younger years.

1 comment:

Kathi and Bob said...

You always make me laugh...hope everything turns out yummy!