One of my most favorite days (next to Halloween) is the First Day of Spring and following that, the First Day of Summer. The smell of the first cut of grass, the trees coming into bloom, flowers peeking out of the ground and just knowing that Autumn and Winter are now WAY behind me, makes me so happy! I'm waiting for it to come in just two days. I feel like falling on my knees and saying "Thank you G-d for allowing me to get through one more Fall and Winter so I can enjoy Spring and Summer again!"Ahhhhh .........
It's just too bad my birthday is in the fall; I might enjoy it a tad more!
Here is another reason why I love living in Washington; see the photo below. This was taken with my cell phone at the end of a rainy day and the sun was trying to throw out a little bit of sun just before it went down. We have spectacular sunsets and sunrises around here.
As I have mentioned before, I have the opportunity to watch Owen on Tuesdays. He joins me for my excursions all over town (I love getting out of the house) as well as my outside maintenance of our land - riding the lawnmower of course; his most favorite thing to do outside.
Here he is, enjoying the local Hell-Mart crocodile. He is definitely taking this in for all it's worth!
Both of the kids were scheduled for pictures on Friday (yet another day off from school for Teacher Prep Day!) and they also had a Choir program that night. Robee really needed a haircut even though we both like his hair longer. I always like boys with long hair anyway and he looks good because of his curly hair, BUT it was getting out of control. So here we are, before the cut, mom and son on a hair cut date. We don't get to spend much time together just the two of us. I'm trying to make special time for each of them individually. I love them both so much. They are a joy (and sometimes an exasperation!) and I'm very grateful for their presence in my life.
Felix made a bet with a friend at school. The bet was this: if Leah (the friend) joined the school choir, Felix had to join the runner's club.
Now, those of you who know Felix know that she's not much of a runner. She comes from non-runner genes. But this is something she actually wanted to do and I felt that it was important for her to participate in at school. It's good exercise and maybe she'll want to further her running experience in upper grades.
However, this was an eye-opening experience for her. She had to first run the mile then she had a break and then she had to run the 400 meter.
The first photo is of her and Leah, BEFORE the meet. Notice the happy smiles in anticipation of the meet. Notice also that Felix has color in her face:
However, this next photo is taken AFTER the first event, the mile run. Felix is a pale child naturally but after she finished (and she finished not first but that is not important; she finished and I was very proud of her), she definitely lost every bit of color from her face.
She did a great job. This is her talking to her other friends about her lack of breath after her run. Or she may be telling them she almost threw up a lung --- both noteworthy.
Well, the sun has come out again (around here, you have to catch it when you can!) and Owen and I will be ready to go outside after his nap.
In the words of U2, It's a Beautiful Day.