Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New York, Day Four

April Fool’s Day!! Sunday proved to be a better day, weather wise. We were still hiking all over New York, following this machine of a tour guide, Zora. My hips felt like they were coming undone from their sockets. Today was Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center and a minute to myself for lunch.

We also saw another show this day, Spiderman: Turning off the Dark (or something like that). Honestly, it was a good light show, a great rock band show, but as far as a musical show … not so much. No plot and I felt nothing for the characters. However, I still dozed in this one and for good reason. The songs put me right to sleep. It was fun to see Spiderman flying through the air though.

Picture 076Picture 087   Picture 088Picture 089Picture 085Picture 079 Picture 080Picture 084 Picture 081   Picture 090   

Pictures 1-10:

  1. Third acting workshop: Dance. They learned the Sha-poopy dance from “The Music Man.” And yeah, we adults sat and watched, drinking our water. No Sha-poopy for me. I might pee my pants.
  2. St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Stunning.
  3. St. Thomas’ Cathedral. Stunning … again.
  4. In front of the Rockefeller Center. Yeah, we could really use Wisdom and Knowledge right now.
  5. Ice Skaters!! In April! I pictured myself twirling around, doing double axles, and a layback spin …. and then realized that I don’t know how to ice skate and would probably pee my pants anyway. *sigh*  I guess I’ll just watch.
  6. Tour of Radio City Music Hall. I can say that I would have preferred to see Grand Central Station instead, but it is what it is.
  7. My Ticket.
  8. Meatloaf’s SIGNED guitar!! Okay. That was so worth it. Yep yep yep.
  9. Can you guess which person in the picture is made of wax? One might say the figure in the middle … who in reality is actually a famous Rockette dancer. So there is no wax figure in the picture but she really LOOKS like she’s made of wax. Trick question.
  10. An un-authorized picture of the Spiderman set. Heh heh heh. I’m such a rebel.

Our last day is tomorrow. That went SOOOOO fast!

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