Monday, December 3, 2007

What a day!

Wow wee! What a drive!

As some of you know, I teach part time in Seattle at a private Jewish school. That is approx. 40-50 miles from my house. Theoretically, it should - going 60 mph - take me no more than say, what ... 40 minutes? Maybe 45.

Today, I left at 8:50 am and finally pulled into the school at 10:35 am. The rain was coming down in sheets and other people were flying by me like I was parked, chucking water up on my windshield and there were lakes all over the freeway.

The way home was no different. This weather has been amazing. Really.

It snowed Saturday and the kids were psyched about that (as all kids will be with snow) and played in it for an hour or so. I will admit; the snow was pretty on the cedars and the Christmas lights that I finally put up outside.

My school will be on Chanukah break for the next three days (make sure you pronounce this correctly! I've been schooled on the proper pronunciation of Hebrew words!) and I'll try to finish doing some decorating in the house.

I would love to get some actual shopping completed but I never do. And I would love to send off cards and photos but I never do. And I would love to have legs like Cindy Crawford's but I never will. Hmmmm. I see a pattern here.

Okay. I'm off. This is all for my second posting. I leave you with a quote from Joe Biden, presidential hopeful: "Every time Rudy opens his mouth, it's a noun, a verb, and then '9-11'."


1 comment:

Emilee said...

I didn't know that you even had a blog. cute pictures of the kids at karate!