I love you Felix. You're such a great girl. I was petrified when I found out I was having a girl. I wanted us to be friends forever and I worry that we won't because sometimes moms and daughters don't get along. But I'll just keep doing things with you and trying my best to be a good mom even though some days I know I've failed miserably. Hopefully, there will be more good days than bad and you'll remember the good days when I'm long gone and remember the things that we used to do together.
Here are some times I do remember and will try to etch every moment into my brain so that I never forget ...........
Felix at four months in my tummy. If you notice, you can actually see one of her eyes.
Daddy holding Felix right after she was born. He looks tired!
Four or five days old. Lots of brown hair which quickly went away and she didn't grow any back until she was two and it was white!
About three months old visiting Grandma Lucy and Grandpa Keith. I think she was teething already! She broke five teeth soon after.
My big blue eyed girl
Felix at her two year old birthday party. She had a pony and every kid in the neighborhood came to ride that horse! All the little girls loved Felix and would beg me to let them "watch" her for me during the day. This was a huge favor to me as I was the size of a house, expecting Robee in September.
Felix, holding her new baby brother in St. George. We moved a month after he was born. She liked to help occasionally, but was never a real "mothering" type of girl. Luckily, they're best friends now.
Felix dressed as a bunny for Halloween, 1999. She loved that costume and would wear it EVERYWHERE until it finally gave out.
Felix dressed as a fairy princess. This is the costume she wore to her pre-school and won first place in her class.
Felix at five, dressed like a butterfly with Robee (three), who is dressed like Mike Wazowski for Halloween.
Thank you Felix. You have brought me such great happiness and laughter. Your antics still shuffle through my brain when I stop to think about our time together. Like the time you were three and I was getting gas and I came to check on you and somehow, you had completely undressed while still in your car seat. I'll never figure that one out.
And the fact that you were talking at nine months and by one year old, could sing "Insy Weensy Spider" -- in Spanish mind you -- by heart. By two, you were telling people in complete sentences that you wanted to be a veterinarian when you grew up. At four, you had to explain to the next door adult neighbor what an "Orcas" was because he didn't know that was the proper name for a killer whale.
You were and still are, a huge source of pride for both of us.
Love you always Feliciti.