Monday, January 28, 2008


Well, I haven't blogged as much as I hoped. I'm not as chatty writing as I am talking but I'm trying.

As I write this, my darling children are home from school. Illness? No. Teacher prep day? Nah. It snowed.

Those of you who are from a typically snowy state can understand why a school district would shut down for a snowstorm. White-outs, snow drifts, icy conditions. And so on.

Not here. It has snowed a total of 1/4 of an inch. With a slight breath, I could blow the snow off of the railing on my deck. This state totally FREAKS when the slightest bit of snow falls. Farther south (Seattle, Edmonds area) there is about four inches of snow but still, I do remember going to school during snowstorms.

However our school district is FAR away from the four inches and still, some brilliant person has decided to shut down the district for the day. Unbelievable.

All of us stood with opened mouths, looking at the "snow" and then at the school report of closures. Seriously. Absolutely pathetic.

It also snowed on Saturday (same type, same amount) and the kids were up and in snow pants and snow coats ready to make snowmen. I guess when you're a kid, any amount of snow is cool when you don't have it a lot in your area.

Also as I write this, I realize that I should be driving to school myself but I'm not. I've decided to quit my job at MMSC Dayschool. It was a hard decision; one not made lightly. I think the drive plus preparing for 10 classes was taking a toll on my brain and my attitude. No sleep and an hour or so drive can make you crazy.

My last day was Wednesday, January 23 and it was a sad one. My 6th and 7th grade girls threw me a going away party complete with potato chips and candy and soda pop. They also gave me my own portable dictionary/thesaurus. So sweet!

My high school girls took me out for lunch at Noah's (one of the few kosher places we can walk to) and it was even during class and approved by the Rabbi!

Now ......... well, Thomas has asked that I work for him for a few hours a day to help get our home office organized. The other days will be spent subbing and getting my dang foot in the door here in Arlington.

The kids are doing great. Felix just got over a weird case of chicken pox. I say weird because she had about 20 on her torso and no real illness, thank goodness. She was home from school for one day - which happened to be Friday - so she had the weekend to heal. Robee's front teeth are FINALLY coming in. They've been out since last April. He's been the toothless wonder forever. As a mom, I can say this, but I will miss his gap.

All the animals are still hanging out. I thought I was going to lose Zeke a bit ago. He is almost 18, after all. But once we got a heater in the cat room, he perked right up. According to, he is actually 83 years old. Hmmm.... I guess I'd move slow too.

I'm going to post some pics but I'm on the wrong computer. The main floor computer doesn't have my stuff. I just wanted to write.

Gotta go. I have to help Robee clean his horrible room. I made a deal with the kids that none of their toys had to go to thrift; I would put them all in storage. Now they're more willing to clean if they don't have to get rid of anything; even if they haven't played with a toy for two years. Bee- ruther.